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Demystifying Mold Regulations for California Contractors: Navigating SB 655 and Health Code

Written by Vert Enviro | Aug 8, 2023 4:00:00 PM

Ensuring compliance with the state's mold regulations is essential to maintaining safe and healthy living conditions for your clients. Understanding the intricacies of Senate Bill No. 655 (SB 655) and the Health and Safety Code amendments can be daunting, but it's crucial to ensure that your projects meet the necessary standards. In this blog post, we'll break down California's mold regulations, shed light on the roles of state agencies like the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA), and provide you with practical tips to navigate mold regulations with ease. 

Understanding California's Senate Bill No. 655  

Senate Bill No. 655, passed in October 2015, plays a significant role in shaping mold regulations for lessors and tenants in California. Let's delve into its key aspects: 

Obligations of Lessors and Tenants 

  • SB 655 specifies that a lessor is not obligated to repair mold-related dilapidations until they have received notice of the issue or if the tenant is in violation of certain affirmative obligations. This provision ensures that landlords are aware of the mold problem before taking responsibility for repairs. 
  • Tenants must also fulfill their responsibilities, as outlined in Section 1941.2, to avoid disputes and ensure timely mold remediation. 

Landlord's Right to Enter Dwelling for Mold Repairs 

  • SB 655 authorizes landlords to enter a dwelling to repair mold-related dilapidations, provided they comply with the provisions of Section 1954. This enables landlords to address mold issues promptly, safeguarding both the property and the tenant's health. 

California Health and Safety Code Amendments  

In addition to SB 655, California's Health and Safety Code has undergone amendments that directly impact mold regulations: 

Expansion of Inadequate Sanitation Definition 

  • The Health and Safety Code now classifies visible mold growth, excluding minor mold on surfaces that can accumulate moisture as part of their proper and intended use, as a type of inadequate sanitation and a substandard condition. 
  • Understanding this definition is crucial for contractors to assess the severity of mold infestations during projects.  

Defining Mold and Its Impact on Building Standards 

  • The Health and Safety Code defines mold as microscopic organisms or fungi that can thrive in damp conditions within a building. This definition clarifies the scope of mold-related issues contractors must address.
  • The presence of mold can impact building standards, and contractors must be aware of these implications to ensure compliance. 

Roles of State Agencies in Mold Regulation  

Two primary state agencies, CDPH and Cal/OSHA, play crucial roles in regulating mold to protect public health and worker safety. 

California Department of Public Health (CDPH)  

The CDPH has a range of responsibilities in mold prevention and offers valuable resources and guidelines for contractors: 

Responsibilities in Mold Prevention 

  • The CDPH is responsible for developing guidelines and regulations to prevent mold growth and safeguard public health. 
  • They conduct research and provide educational materials to promote awareness and proper mold remediation practices.  

Resources and Guidelines for Contractors 

  • Contractors can access CDPH's official website for comprehensive resources on mold prevention, remediation, and best practices for contractors. 
  • Familiarize yourself with their recommendations to ensure you're well-informed and up-to-date with industry standards.  

California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Cal/OSHA)  

Cal/OSHA oversees worker safety during mold remediation projects, and compliance with their Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard is essential for contractors: 

Ensuring Worker Safety during Mold Remediation 

  • Cal/OSHA sets guidelines for personal protective equipment (PPE) to protect workers from exposure to mold and other hazards during remediation. 
  • Contractors must comply with these guidelines to safeguard the health and well-being of their workers.  

Compliance with Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard 

  • As part of mold remediation, contractors may encounter silica-containing materials. Compliance with Cal/OSHA's Respirable Crystalline Silica Standard is crucial to protect workers from silica-related health risks. 
  • Ensure your team is equipped with the necessary protective gear and follows safe work practices to mitigate silica exposure.  

Identifying Substandard Buildings: Mold and Beyond  

Understanding the criteria for substandard buildings can help contractors identify potential issues during renovations and remediation projects: 

Understanding Substandard Building Criteria 

  • Substandard buildings pose risks to occupants and the public due to inadequate living conditions or structural hazards. 
  • Contractors must recognize these criteria to assess the safety of buildings before commencing projects.  

Additional Factors that Lead to Substandard Conditions 

  • Beyond mold, other factors, such as faulty weather protection, inadequate structural resistance to horizontal forces, and improper maintenance, can contribute to substandard conditions. 
  • Contractors should conduct thorough inspections to identify and address any potential hazards.  

Ensuring Mold Compliance in Renovation Projects  

To comply with mold regulations, contractors should adopt proactive strategies and best practices: 

Mold Prevention Strategies 

  • Identify common mold risk areas, such as areas prone to moisture accumulation, and take preventive measures to mitigate mold growth. 
  • Ensure proper ventilation and moisture control in construction sites and properties.  

Mold Testing and Assessment 

  • Hire qualified mold inspectors to conduct thorough testing and assessments before, during, and after projects. 
  • Understand mold testing results to develop effective remediation plans.  

Managing Mold Remediation Projects  

Contractors play a crucial role in mold remediation projects, and adhering to safe work practices is paramount: 

Role of Contractors in Mold Remediation 

  • Contractors must take responsibility for identifying and remediating mold issues in properties they are renovating or restoring. 
  • Being proactive in addressing mold concerns ensures client satisfaction and compliance with regulations.  

Implementing Safe Work Practices 

  • Provide appropriate PPE to workers involved in mold remediation. 
  • Follow containment and removal procedures to prevent the spread of mold during remediation.  

Post-Project Cleanup and Disposal 

  • Dispose of mold-contaminated materials properly and in accordance with relevant regulations. 
  • Conduct thorough post-project cleanups to ensure the property is safe and habitable.  

Legal Consequences of Non-Compliance  

Failing to comply with mold regulations can lead to legal consequences for contractors: 

Understanding the Penalties for Violating Mold Regulations 

  • Non-compliance with mold regulations can result in penalties, fines, and potential legal liabilities for contractors. 
  • Being aware of these consequences underscores the importance of adherence to mold regulations. 

Staying Informed: Updates and Resources  

Keeping up with mold regulation changes and accessing reliable resources is crucial for contractors: 

Stay Abreast of Mold Regulation Changes 

  • Regularly check for updates on mold regulations and guidelines issued by state agencies. 
  • Attend industry events and webinars to stay informed about best practices and changes in mold regulations. 
  • Leverage online resources for contractors. 

Navigating mold regulations as a contractor in California requires understanding the intricacies of Senate Bill No. 655 and Health and Safety Code amendments. Compliance with these regulations ensures the safety and well-being of both occupants and workers.   

By staying informed, following best practices, and accessing expert resources like Vert Environmental, contractors can confidently navigate mold regulations and deliver high-quality, compliant projects for their clients.   

For expert assistance and guidance on mold testing, remediation and compliance, visit www.vertenviro.com to partner with us and ensure your projects meet California's mold standards.