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Homeowner's Guide: Understanding CA's Mold Regulations

Written by Vert Enviro | Aug 7, 2023 4:00:00 PM

As a homeowner in California, you take pride in maintaining a safe and healthy living environment for your family. One potential threat that can compromise your home's well-being is mold. Mold is a common problem that can grow in damp and humid environments, and if left unchecked, it can lead to various health issues and structural damage. As a responsible homeowner, understanding California's mold regulations is crucial to protect your property and loved ones. 

Background: About Mold and Dampness 

Molds: Nature's Decomposers 

Molds are simple, microscopic organisms that exist virtually everywhere, both indoors and outdoors. As part of the fungi family, molds, mushrooms, and yeasts play a vital role in breaking down dead plant and animal material, recycling nutrients in the environment. While they are beneficial outdoors, molds can become a nuisance when they grow indoors. 

Mold Growth Factors 

To thrive and reproduce, molds require two primary elements: organic matter (such as leaves, wood, paper, or dust) and moisture. Moisture, even in the form of dampness, creates an environment where mold can flourish. Common sources of indoor moisture include leaks, plumbing issues, flooding, and improper ventilation. 

Prevention: A Key to Mold Management 

Preventing mold growth is essential to avoid potential problems. Regularly inspecting your home, school, or workplace for signs of dampness and addressing them promptly can help prevent mold from taking hold. 

Health Effects of Mold 

Mold Spores and Health 

Molds release tiny spores and particles that can travel through the air. While everyone inhales some mold spores daily without harm, exposure to excessive amounts of mold can lead to health issues. Mold can cause allergy, irritation, inflammation, or, in rare cases, infection. Some individuals may be more sensitive to mold's effects, but it is increasingly clear that even non-allergic people can experience health problems due to mold exposure. 

Recognizing the Impact of Dampness and Mold 

Indoor dampness and mold are associated with a range of health effects, affecting both allergic and non-allergic individuals. These effects include new asthma cases, asthma attacks in those who already have asthma, allergic rhinitis (sneezing, congested nose, or runny nose), upper and lower respiratory symptoms, respiratory infections, eye irritation, eczema, and skin rashes. 

Severity Matters 

The extent and severity of dampness and mold play a crucial role in the potential health risks. The more significant the problem, the higher the risk of health effects. If you see mold, water damage, or detect a musty odor in your home, taking action promptly is essential to minimize health risks. 

Brief History of Mold Regulation in California 

The Toxic Mold Protection Act of 2001 

In 2001, California introduced the Toxic Mold Protection Act (SB 732, Ortiz). The act directed the California Department of Health Services (now Department of Public Health or CDPH) to assess the feasibility of establishing health-based permissible exposure limits (PELs) for indoor mold. However, based on available evidence, the CDPH concluded in 2005 that science-based PELs for indoor molds were not feasible at that time. Nonetheless, CDPH emphasized that indoor dampness, water intrusion, or fungal growth should always be addressed safely and efficiently. 

Mold Becomes a Substandard Condition 

As of January 1, 2016, California declared mold as a substandard condition in residential buildings. This means that visible mold growth, except minor mold found on surfaces that can accumulate moisture as part of their intended use, is deemed inadequate sanitation, making the building substandard. Substandard conditions require the owner of a rental property to repair the issue. 

The Mold Booklet for California Renters 

The Toxic Mold Protection Act also led to the creation of a consumer-oriented booklet on mold's health effects, which landlords must provide to prospective tenants. As of January 1, 2022, California rental housing providers are required to give this mold booklet, titled "Information on Dampness and Mold for Renters in California," to all prospective tenants. 

Renters with Moldy or Damp Dwellings 

Seeking Remedy for Mold Issues 

Visible mold growth in a rental property is covered by the California Housing Code, and it is considered a condition that makes housing substandard. If you are a renter and notice visible mold, you have the right to request that the property owner address the issue promptly. In cases where the owner is unresponsive, it may be necessary to involve local code enforcement to enforce the California Housing Code. 

Additional Resources for Mold Management 


Environmental Health Investigation Branch: Healthy Homes (CDPH) 

  • Offers valuable resources for maintaining a healthy home environment, including information on indoor dampness and mold.  

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: The Key to Mold Control is Moisture Control 

  • Provides practical tips and guidelines for preventing and managing mold through moisture control.  

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Mold Information 

  • Offers comprehensive information on mold, health effects, prevention, and remediation.  

New York City Department of Health: Guidelines on Assessment and Remediation of Fungi in Indoor Environments (PDF; 2008) 

  • Provides detailed guidelines on assessing and remediating indoor mold issues, which can be helpful for homeowners in California as well.  

Health Canada: Residential Indoor Air Quality Guidelines: Moulds (PDF; 2007) 

  • Offers guidelines on managing mold in residential indoor environments, valuable for homeowners seeking mold management practices.  

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Resources on Asthma and Indoor Air Quality 

  • Provides resources and information on asthma triggers, including mold, and how to improve indoor air quality.  

Resources in Spanish (Recursos para la calidad del aire interior) 

  • Offers Spanish-language resources on indoor air quality, including mold prevention and management.  

As a homeowner in California, understanding the state's mold regulations is crucial for protecting your family's health and preserving your property's integrity. Mold growth is a common issue, especially in damp and humid environments, but with awareness and proactive measures, you can prevent and manage mold effectively. 

By regularly inspecting your home for signs of dampness and addressing any issues promptly, you can reduce the risk of mold growth. Additionally, if you are a renter, knowing your rights and the California Housing Code can help you seek proper remedies if you encounter mold in your rental property. 

At Vert Environmental, we are committed to helping California homeowners like you create a healthy living space free from mold and other environmental hazards. If you have concerns about mold or want to ensure your home's safety, our team of experts is ready to assist you. 

Don't wait for mold problems to escalate; take the first step towards a mold-free home by contacting Vert Environmental today. Visit our website at www.vertenviro.com to schedule a mold assessment or learn more about our services. 

Remember, a mold-free home is a healthier home for you and your family. Take charge of mold management and create a safer living environment for everyone. Together, we can keep California homes clean, safe, and mold-free.